Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Mage, Druid, Warrior, R. Paladin, E. Shaman

A friend asked if I could help them out with some 5s, and in need of amusement, I accepted the invitation. It was a decent group of players, but there wasn't enough communication. I don't recall pulling off a switch correctly. Granted, it wasn't slanted in our favor from the beginning, seeing as the druid, our only healer, did not have a full set of resto gear. However, I just cant see this team being successful at a higher level, even though they seemed to have faith in it.

First off, the trend of focusing the mage screws the team over because the druid is busy healing, so the team loses most of its cc. The shaman threw a few heals, but that really ruins any pressure that we can apply. The druid cannot keep a clothie up for very long even without worrying about cc.

I also feel that having the dps split into a pair of melee and a pair of magic dpsers negatively effects the team. There are so many counters to melee, such as evasion, and just plate in general. Say a rogue pops evasion, causing our teams pressure to all but vanish. In this scenario, the druid has to continue healing longer while the team gets a new target. If a team does anything to slow down the initial burst, we don't have much of a chance of winning.

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